Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Power Outage

I haven't had power for the past three days really and in that time I really learned something. I learned how goddamn boring it must have been for anyone living in the times of candlelit rooms. I'm all for reading a book and going outside, but at nighttime, electricity makes things more fun.
I thought myself back in time to when I was sitting in the living room with my family at midnight. We talked and laughed and had a good time. But honest to god, conversations can only last so long. I love my family to death, but lights are what make the nightlife appealing. Reading a book by candle light sounds charming on paper, but when put into practice is just difficult due to the eyestrain. I can survive perfectly without power during the daylight, night time just becomes boring. But I suppose I can still stay awake through all hours of the night even in the most boring situations. Glad to have to have the power back and glad to appreciate it that much more. Our founding fathers would have never gotten anything done if they had a ps1 with crash bandicoot. Also, soupy icecream from the powerless fridge don't taste to bad.

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